Boiled green bananas are an effective anti-diarrheal. Cooked green bananas are a popular side dish in many Caribbean islands where they are used like potatoes. Unlike ripe bananas, unripe green bananas are not sweet. When cooked they have the texture and taste of potatoes. And are delicious!
Learn more about how cooked green bananas can stop diarrhoea.
Bunch of green bananas. Use the greenest bananas you can find.
1. Soak or wash the bananas to remove any dirt and pesticides. I use a 1:4 mixture of apple cider vinegar and filtered water.
2. Cut off both ends of the bananas and score the skin down the middle. Green bananas can also be cooked without the peel. But I found boiling with the peel easier because it is difficult to remove the peel from green bananas.
To prepare bananas before boiling, cut off both ends of the bananas and score the skin down the middle.
3. Bring a large pot of salted water to a boil. Add the bananas, reduce heat to medium and cook over a low boil until the bananas are cooked through and can be easily pierced with a fork. This will take about 20 minutes.
When the bananas are cooked, they can be easily pierced with a fork and the peel will split.
4. Remove the bananas to a cutting board. When cooled, peel, cut into cubes and serve.
The finished dish!