Raised Feeders : Yay or Nay



Elevated feeders make eating and drinking more comfortable for arthritic dogs, particularly if there is stiffness in the neck or back. The elevated bowls ease strain on muscles and joints.


There are several benefits for dogs when their food and water bowls are raised:

1. Placing a dog bowl at the proper height for a dog allows him to maintain proper standing posture. His head is kept above the stomach and food travels more efficiently down the digestive tract.

2. Reduced strain on leg joints, back and neck.


What is the best height for an elevated feeder for your dog?

There are two methods to determine the most comfortable feeder height for your dog.

1. Have your dog in a standing position with his front feet under him. Measure to the withers (shoulder of the dog) and subtract 6 inches.


2.  Have your dog in a standing position with his front feet under him. Measure your dog from the floor to his prosternum (chest level).


When in doubt, just remember that the top of the dog feeder should be at chest level so your dog only needs to tilt his head a little to eat. Although this is a good rule of thumb, when selecting a dog feeder height, keep in mind that it is better to choose one that is a little too low than too high.

There are many stylish dog feeders on the market. Buy one that fits your home decor or make one from the many ideas on Pinterest